Whether you're considering independent living, a move to an assisted living community or working on a part-time career during your golden years, if you're a senior of faith, you may want to turn to the Bible for guidance.
Moving to a senior living community can provide numerous benefits, from freeing you from the responsibilities of home and lawn maintenance to providing opportunities for you to make new friends and enjoy engaging activities. The first step in choosing a community is to decide which type is right for you. To help you begin weighing your options, we created this guide on how to choose between independent living, assisted living and memory care communities.
Whether you live in a location where snowfall is synonymous with winter or a more southern location that rarely sees the white stuff, the cooler temps and darker days can feel isolating. The sun goes down much sooner, there's less natural vitamin D to soak up and many people keep to their homes to avoid icy roads or freezing temperatures.
For families today, minor holidays like Valentine's Day can come with a surprising amount of activities. If you have kids, you may have school parties and card exchanges to consider, and couples might make big romantic plans in mid-February.
As the new year approaches — or even if you're already into a new year — it can be good to take some time to think about how you want to live in the future. That's true at any age, whether you're in a career stage or retired and considering a move to independent living or assisted living.
As an independent older adult, you might not picture yourself moving to an assisted living community. Yet, many times, the move to assisted living provides unexpected blessings you wish you would have discovered sooner. Deciding if it's time to transition to assisted living is a personal choice, but the following signs are worth considering.
Older adults of faith may long to share this important part of themselves — and their God — with others. But even for people who've practiced faith for many years, sharing stories, verses and lessons from the Bible — as well as personal testimonies — can feel daunting. Below, you'll find seven ways you can share your faith with others from your own home, within an assisted living community or in any other environment.
Bethesda Senior Living Communities offers a wide range of living solutions, letting you choose the environment that best fits your lifestyle and needs. The three most popular options, independent living, assisted living and memory care, provide low-maintenance living with access to social and recreational activities. However, these options differ in the level of care they provide, the populations they serve and their monthly fees.
Your life might not look anything like Abraham's, but diving deeper into scripture can help you learn lessons from his life. Abraham is a prominent Biblical figure with immense obedience to God, commonly shown in his willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac. The following lessons can help seniors find inspiration in the story of Abraham.
The epistles, or letters, in the New Testament, were written by five of the apostles. Of the 27 New Testament books, 21 are epistles. James composed the earliest epistle around AD 46. Paul wrote a total of 13 epistles, while Peter, James, John and Jude wrote the rest. The final epistle, 3 John, was finished by John in AD 90.
15475 Gleneagle Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: (719) 481-5481
Email: geninfo@ba.org